Richard Bruynel Research Prize

Richard Brunyel was a valued member of the NZSA with a passion for research. He often presented papers at conference exploring new ideas and techniques for enhancing actuarial analysis and thinking.

The NZSA Conference is held biennially in New Zealand for guests and members of the NZSA. The Prize is to encourage works that develop new research and innovation in actuarial science and practice.


  • During the abstract submission process, you will be asked if you'd like to be considered for the prize.


  • A 'work' presented at the NZSA biennial Conference, an NZSA seminar, in an international actuarial forum or published in the thought leadership section of the NZSA website. Such 'work' may comprise a presentation, paper and/or publication. The authors or presenters of any ‘work’ must include at least one NZSA member.


  • The Prize is to encourage works that develop new research and innovation in actuarial science and practice.


  • Original thought and research on actuarial practice and theory.
  • Innovative thought and research on actuarial practice and theory.
  • Usefulness and interest to the profession generally or to particular sections of the profession.
  • Standard of presentation, logic and clarity.
  • The work must be submitted to verified peer review by a member/fellow of the actuarial profession.


  • During February of the year following the biennial conference the Prizes Committee shall consider all the works presented in the prior year's biennial Conference or presented or published in any of the other eligible fora since the last consideration (i.e., in the last two years).
  • The Prizes Committee will make a shortlist of those works as nominations for further consideration.
  • Nominations are reviewed by the Prizes sub-committee and a recommendation is made to Council.
  • Council will consider the recommendation and make the final decision.
  • Prize winner(s) are advised by letter and invited to attend the NZSA's Winter Dinner to receive their award.
  • Any shortlisted work which has not yet been published on the Thought Leadership section of the NZSA website will be reviewed by the Publication Panel for consideration for publication.


  • The Prizes Committee will consider the nominations against the criteria and intent of the donor for the prize.
  • The Committee may recommend to Council:
  • no prize, or
  • a prize; or
  • a shared prize.


  • The capital sum shall be invested by Council as it sees fit in a manner that preserves the original $5,000 donation (plus addition from NZSA) and maintains the real value of future prize payments.
  • The prize will be set by Council and reviewed from time to time. The initial prize amount is $500. Council may supplement the prize payment from NZSA funds.
  • Should the NZSA be dissolved, at the discretion of Council after consultation with the Bruynel family, the funds associated with the prize will be either:
  • donated to a charity or foundation, or
  • transferred to a new memorial fund.


  • The Prizes Committee shall comprise the convenors of the practice committees, NZSA’s Publication Panel and one member of Council.
  • The Convenor shall be the Council member that is not the convenor of the Publication Panel.
  • Committee members must declare any conflicts of interest and must resign from the Committee if nominated for a prize.


  • Nomination: A short-listed work from the biennial Conference.
  • Publication: A paper published in an actuarial journal (typically peer reviewed as part of publication process).
  • Paper: A paper published in an actuarial magazine or presented at an actuarial conference.
  • Presentation: The verbal presentation of a paper or publication.
  • Work: A 'work' may comprise a presentation, paper and/or publication.