Call for abstracts

Submissions close on Wednesday 31 July 2024

We invite you to submit an abstract for presentation at the NZSA Conference in November this year.

Actuaries Uncorked: A vintage of diversity and sustainability | Much like a finely aged wine, the actuarial profession has evolved over time, acquiring robustness and complexity. Our conference uncorks a distinct flavour - a bold commitment to enhancing diversity and sustainability both within and outside of our field. Delight in the diverse bouquet of perspectives and savour the deep flavours of sustainability as we raise our glasses to a conference that blends tradition with innovation, creating a vintage like no other. It's time to discover the intricate layers of actuarial expertise and explore the sustainable and diverse possibilities that lie ahead. Raise your glass and be part of this exceptional vintage where the actuarial world embraces change, evolving like a fine wine to become better with time.

Abstract categories

During the abstract submission process you will be asked to select a category you feel that your abstract best aligns with, from the options below.

NZSA Sustainability ESG

Sustainability (ESG)

NZSA Life Insurance

Life insurance

NZSA Professionalismand Ethics

Professionalism and ethics

General Insurance

General insurance

NZSA Investments Wealth Retirement Income

Investments, wealth and retirement income

Health Insurance

Health insurance

NZSA Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise risk management

NZSA Data Scienceand Modelling

Data science and modelling

NZSA Communication Businessand Management

Communication, business and management skills

Presentation type

Oral presentation (55min)
You will be allocated a 55-minute space in the programme, allowing for a 45-minute presentation, 10 minutes for questions and 5 minutes change over time.

Oral presentation (25min)

You will be allocated a 25-minute space in the programme, allowing for a 20-minute presentation, 5 minutes for questions and 5 minutes change over time.

Lightning presentation
You will be allocated a 10-minute space in the programme, allowing for a 7-minute presentation, 3 minutes for questions.

Richard Bruynel Research Prize

Works presented at the NZSA conference 2024 are eligible for the Richard Bruynel Research Prize.

If you would like to be considered for this prize please click here to learn more.

Terms and Conditions

Key dates

Registration open: Late May

Abstract submissions close: Wednesday 31 July

Acceptance notification: Friday 13 September

Earlybird registration closes: Friday 11 October

Final papers (oral presentations only) due: Friday 8 November

Submit here and queries

Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any questions or queries regarding the abstract submission process.

Georgia Watson | Digital & Event Coordinator